Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal
Who are we?
Created in 1979, IPS is a public institution of higher education seeking, permanently and in association with its social partners, to contribute to the development of society, in general, and of the Setúbal region, in particular, through tertiary training activities, research and services provision, contributing to the creation, development, dissemination and transfer of knowledge, as well as the promotion of science and culture. With more than 6000 students and employing more then 900 teaching and non-teaching staff, IPS assumes as primordial the training of professionals with high technical and scientific expertise, offering 32 bachelor degrees and 21 master degrees, besides post-secondary training (CTeSP) and post-graduation diplomas.
IPS comprises 5 Schools in the areas of Education, Technology, Business & Administration and Health, that are distributes in two campi (in Setúbal and Barreiro). The institution has well-equipped laboratories, documentation centres, audio-visual equipment and computer facilities, which are available to its students and academic and non-academic staff.
IPS integrates research and development, as well as knowledge and technology transfer as na indispensable part of its action, not only as a support to its training activities, but also as a way of interaction and commitment with its community, providing consulting, research and auditing services.
Also, the institution has the strategic goal to be an open and international community, being strongly committed with establishment of international partnerships and alliances. There are several bilateral agreements established not only with European higher education institutions, but also with South American and Asian organizations, that have been allowing a fruitful exchange of students and staff. In what refers to project cooperation, IPS is presently involved in several European projects, namely under Erasmus+ and Horizon 2020 programs.
Why we are Participating in the Project
First of all the importance of the thematic. “Enhancing Staff Research and Innovation Capacity in Professional Higher Education” adresses a major issue for every PHE institution. The other reason is the very good partners that are involved in this Project.
Our Role in the Project
IPS will be involved in all the Intellectual Outputs of the project and will provide links to institutions active in EURASHE WG on RDI. Together will all partners IPS will be doing its part on dissemination and exploitation of the project. It includes elaboration and releasing of news about the results of the project in both its local geographical area and in its area of influence as an international university, which has strong links with other networks such as EURASHE. IPS, together with other EU consortium accreditation agencies and partners, will contribute to ensure the consistency of the project results with the objectives and lines of action of the EHEA.
Our Team
Armando Pires
PhD degree in Electrical Engineering. Full Professor in Electrical Engineering (ESTSetúbal/IPS); Senior Researcher at CTS/UNINOVA (Lisbon Nova University). Member of the Administration Board of A3ES; Vice-President of EURASHE; Advisor of CCISP for International Affairs. Coordinator of the Portuguese teams at SAPS, EQUIP and HAPHE projects.
António Vieira Pombo
PhD degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering. MSc in Global Management. Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering Department (ESTSetúbal/IPS). Engineer in EDP International - Energies of Portugal (supervision of constructions and Tender Specifications). Engineer in EDP - Energies of Portugal (Planning and Technology). Engineer in Merlin Gerin Portugal (Commercial).